Past events:
NYCBUG Monthly Meeting, Apr 3, 2013, New York, New York, USA.
Brian Callahan gave a talk on "MIPS on OpenBSD." Presentation slides and audio are also available.
2013-04-03 @ 18:45 - Location: Suspenders Bar
MIPS on OpenBSD, Brian Callahan
[nycbug-2013-04-03.mp3] [bcallah-nycbugtalk.odp] 演示稿和mp3录音文件都可以在nycbug下载到
(Audio generously recorded and processed by Nikolai Fetissov)
Everyone knows the BSDs provide a stable, feature-rich Operating System for the big name and "in the news" CPUs. What you may not know is that you can expect an equally excellent experience on the lesser-known CPUs.
This talk will provide an in-depth look at the Loongson CPU, a mips64el CPU, on OpenBSD. We'll explore its history on OpenBSD and its support for third-party software through OpenBSD's excellent ports system. We'll examine the unique challenges that come with ports and packages on lesser-used CPUs. Finally, we'll discuss the future of MIPS support, including embedded MIPS.
About the speaker:
Brian is a graduate student at Monmouth University studying Anthropology. He is an OpenBSD developer, working primarily on mips64el (Loongson) ports.
MIPS on OpenBSD, Brian Callahan
Re: MIPS on OpenBSD, Brian Callahan
不错!OB是应该加强对现代MIPS平台的支持,SGI 机器已经太老旧了,可惜在国外买不到龙芯3A机器。
期待在无线路由器上跑OB~就像FB支持的那样 https://wiki.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/mips
期待在无线路由器上跑OB~就像FB支持的那样 https://wiki.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/mips
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