用于OpenBSD 防火墙的嵌入式设备
Re: 用于OpenBSD 防火墙的嵌入式设备
最近看上UBNT 的 EDGE ROUTER LITE,TB二手价为300元,可以上FREEBSD,应该是个不错的选择。
最近看上UBNT 的 EDGE ROUTER LITE,TB二手价为300元,可以上FREEBSD,应该是个不错的选择。
- 铁 Fe
- 帖子: 80
- 注册时间: 2014-03-20 16:19
Re: 用于OpenBSD 防火墙的嵌入式设备
昨天 到货了f5b 写了:买之前怎么不先上来吼一声,或许就能几个人一起搭车了。openbsdsir008 写了:http://www.pcengines.ch/order.php
PC Engines direct
我买了一个sd卡,插上去,pxe 安装 openbsd .
忘记买 外壳了!
Re: 用于OpenBSD 防火墙的嵌入式设备
UBNT EdgeRouter Lite 3口 千兆 路由器 ERlite-3 650元
http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1 ... c5be51adc2
http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1 ... c5be51adc2
Re: 用于OpenBSD 防火墙的嵌入式设备
OpenBSD对EdgeRouter Lite的支持情况,暂时不支持本地存储!依赖nfs启动和使用!
http://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/snap ... ALL.octeon
OpenBSD System Requirements and Supported Devices:
The following machines are targeted by OpenBSD/octeon:
Portwell CAM-0100
onboard serial port, CompactFlash and Ethernet are supported;
it's possible to install OpenBSD/octeon on this machine with
some effort.
Ubiquiti Networks EdgeRouter Lite
onboard serial port and Ethernet are supported; it's possible
to boot OpenBSD/octeon on this machine over NFS. There is no
USB support yet, which means that there is no local storage
(no onboard CompactFlash).
D-Link DSR-500
onboard serial port and Ethernet are supported; it's possible
to boot OpenBSD/octeon on this machine over NFS. The onboard
CompactFlash is not yet supported which, together with the
lack of USB support, means that there is no local storage
available at the moment for this model.
http://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/snap ... ALL.octeon
OpenBSD System Requirements and Supported Devices:
The following machines are targeted by OpenBSD/octeon:
Portwell CAM-0100
onboard serial port, CompactFlash and Ethernet are supported;
it's possible to install OpenBSD/octeon on this machine with
some effort.
Ubiquiti Networks EdgeRouter Lite
onboard serial port and Ethernet are supported; it's possible
to boot OpenBSD/octeon on this machine over NFS. There is no
USB support yet, which means that there is no local storage
(no onboard CompactFlash).
D-Link DSR-500
onboard serial port and Ethernet are supported; it's possible
to boot OpenBSD/octeon on this machine over NFS. The onboard
CompactFlash is not yet supported which, together with the
lack of USB support, means that there is no local storage
available at the moment for this model.
Re: 用于OpenBSD 防火墙的嵌入式设备
@ unreal 你没看我写的吗,这个买二手的就可以了,才300,安装FB最合适
还有这类CPU驱动是哪里来的吗,是JUNIPER贡献给FB的,它那款SRX100还是SSG5 (忘记了),用的就是CN5030的CPU
还有这类CPU驱动是哪里来的吗,是JUNIPER贡献给FB的,它那款SRX100还是SSG5 (忘记了),用的就是CN5030的CPU
Re: 用于OpenBSD 防火墙的嵌入式设备
hyaska兄,帖子隔了一段时间,还真没仔细看 淘宝的全局搜索竟找不到,必须手工打开网络设备页面才找到,有两家广州的卖家。hyaska 写了: 最近看上UBNT 的 EDGE ROUTER LITE,TB二手价为300元,可以上FREEBSD,应该是个不错的选择。
FreeBSD 的 MIPS 平台始终没转正,不开放下载,我还是觉得选择 OpenBSD 更好。
这类堆砌杂七杂八功能的家用产品,是国内厂商的惯用伎俩,也就忽悠一下依赖360保护电脑安全的那类用户。我需要低功耗的文件服务器,跑NFS和Samba。hyaska 写了:现在的设备都追求高大上全,路由器要带无线、下载、存储共享、认证、UTM、翻墙,甚至还要集成智能家居控制概念
呃,这啥情况,存储依赖NFS还能理解,但EdgeRouter Lite 不是有板载 2GB闪存么,怎么还依赖 NFS启动?? 虽然我热衷MIPS架构,但显然CubieBoard 更符合俺滴要求。f5b 写了:OpenBSD对EdgeRouter Lite的支持情况,暂时不支持本地存储!依赖nfs启动和使用!
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