OpenBSD amd64默认支持大内存
发表于 : 2011-04-14 19:51 ... 0413140750
Bigmem enabled on amd64
Contributed by jj on Wed Apr 13 11:19:51 2011 (GMT)
from the half-meg-half-gig-half-tera dept.
Since this commit:
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CVSROOT: /cvs Module name: src Changes by: [email protected] 2011/04/02 11:36:45 Modified files: sys/arch/amd64/amd64: machdep.c Log message: Enable bigmem by default on amd64. ok deraadt@
amd64 machines may now use more than 4G of ram.
Given the fact that amd64 machines commonly have more than 4G (or rather the 3.5G you end up getting usable after everything else has been deducted) nowadays, this is really good news.
It has required some changes to the buffer cache in order for it to only pick memory in the low 4G range for I/O buffers, and similar changes to various other device drivers, but apart from that, it is ready for testing by you!
I took a few of my local amd64 machines for a spin and they all ran as expected so I decided to take a box at work for a quick run. It got stuck here for a long while before continuing on to this dmesg.
The whole installation went fine, with a record comp49.tgz unpack in 7 seconds (probably attributed to the fast disks more than the memory) but unfortunately, the final installation when booted with all 64 cores and 512G memory enabled left me with these crashes.
I don't have access to the box anymore, so I couldn't test with a bunch of cores (or HT) disabled, but at least the whole installation (which does run in single-processor mode) went through, so there's definitely hope even for big boxes. I have no idea how OpenBSD scales, but if anyone buys me another one of these lovely Dell 910 boxes, I'll surely find out.