关于OB的 locale
发表于 : 2011-12-29 14:49
http://www.gobsd.org/showthread.php?p=6721 这个帖子里谈到OB的locale支持问题,为此专门发在这里。
OB的locale 与 FB/NB 的locale 是一回事么?说OB不支持locale,但具体设置上不是与FB/NB很类似么?都是设置 LC_*** 的环境变量。在线manual:
OB的locale 与 FB/NB 的locale 是一回事么?说OB不支持locale,但具体设置上不是与FB/NB很类似么?都是设置 LC_*** 的环境变量。在线manual:
求高人解惑locale(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide locale(3p)
locale - Perl pragma to use and avoid POSIX locales for built-in
@x = sort @y; # ASCII sorting order
use locale;
@x = sort @y; # Locale-defined sorting order
@x = sort @y; # ASCII sorting order again
This pragma tells the compiler to enable (or disable) the use of POSIX
locales for built-in operations (LC_CTYPE for regular expressions, and
LC_COLLATE for string comparison). Each "use locale" or "no locale"
affects statements to the end of the enclosing BLOCK.
See perllocale for more detailed information on how Perl supports
perl v5.12.2 July 20, 2011 locale(3p)