
NetBSD用户指南中文版、NetBSD pkgsrc指南中文版...

版主: lionux

帖子: 2465
注册时间: 2010-01-21 3:27


帖子 leo » 2010-03-08 1:31

This zone file is the reverse file for all of the host records, to map their IP numbers we use on our private network back into hostnames. The format is similar to that of the "localhost" version with the obvious exception being the addresses are different via the different zone given in the named.conf file, i.e. "0.168.192.in-addr.arpa" here:

代码: 全选

 1|$TTL    3600
 2|@              IN SOA  strider.diverge.org. root.diverge.org. (
 3|                     1       ; serial
 4|                     8H      ; refresh
 5|                     2H      ; retry
 6|                     1W      ; expire
 7|                     1D )    ; minimum seconds
 8|               IN NS   strider.diverge.org.
 9|1              IN PTR  strider.diverge.org.
10|2              IN PTR  samwise.diverge.org.
11|3              IN PTR  worm.diverge.org.



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